That Marcie kills me.
Randy and Chris over at 2 Guys Buying Comics have designated this First Comic Week. Great question, which I actually addressed some time back…
I see where SECRET SIX is planned for a six issue run while SHADOWPACT is to be an ongoing series. This seems backwards to me.
Speaking of backwards, is the new MAN-BAT series really necessary?
Judging by the Google hits my post speculating on a Brad Meltzer Justice League gets (25-30 a day), I’m speculating further that the debut is going to be a chart topper.
Revival of the comic book in Turkey. As opposed to projects like WILDCATS, NEW UNIVERSE or HEROES REBORN which might best be called revival of comic books that were turkeys.
Been rushed around here lately (hella busy, as the young folk say), so how about some binary reviews on the recently read:
Lion, Tigers and Bears, vol. 2 #1: Yes
Archenemies #1: No
Albion #4: No. (Like alternating current, this book.)
Fantastic Four First Family #’s 1 & 2: Hell,Yes.
Amazing Spider-Man #530: No.
Desolation Jones #6: A very black-hearted Yes
Planetary #25: Yes
Moon Knight #1: Yes
Let’s see how this works. I’ve used FilmLoop to create a strip of all the comics I got this week. Can you figure out which one doesn’t belong?
Yep, the OPENING SHOT SKETCHBOOK for CIVIL WAR. I didn’t pick that one – those tricky comic shop guys must have slipped it in my bag.