The Honor Roll is a weekly column where I rundown five interesting posts, comments or developments that are buzzing about the comics blogosphere. This isn’t about events in the books themselves – we all know what happens there – merely a bit of navel gazing. Worse, it’s subject to my own myopic interpretation of what’s interesting or funny. Enjoy.
Boy, I’m kind of glad I didn’t run with my planned Thanksgiving post that was to include a certain JSA cover. But I hope everyone had a great holiday, nonetheless. Here’s this week’s Honor Roll:
5) I stopped reading JACK CROSS after the first issue but I’ve found myself in the odd position of actually rooting for it not to be cancelled just so I can read Jog’s monthly evisceration. (Note: scroll down a bit for this one.) Wup - nevermind, he's dropping the title too.
4) The League of Melbotis gives us a sneak preview of a new Superman Returns action (?) figure. Somehow that picture makes me think the word “plush” should have been used.
3) Some time back Jim Roeg of Double Articulation fame posted a fascinating, if somewhat rambling, essay (and he’s one of the few in the comic blogoshpere who’s posts actually qualify as “essays”) on multiplicity as it relates to INFINITE CRISIS, CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS and politics. This sparked a rejoinder from Marc Singer at I Am Not The Beastmaster. Both of which you’ve hopefully read. Jim’s now posted a follow-on to Marc’s post. I love this kind of stuff but recognize that it isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for a little deeper than normal examination of the multiverse and what it might represent, I encourage you to read all three posts - although I’d recommend you pack a lunch.
2) Last week saw the usual round of limitless goodness from Mike Sterling over at Progressive Ruin. It’s always hard to pick any one thing out Mike’s wonderful stream-of-linkiness posts, but I really enjoyed the links to old comic business news (especially the Comic Book Markup Language stuff – just what I need, something to tie my two geekish identities together) and the bit about cutting off the heads of toys to be returned. My sons would happily volunteer for that duty. My daughter would cry.
1) Finally, a big post-Thanksgiving thanks to everyone who’s visited, commented and linked to this blog. You folks make it fun for me.