5) “Formulaic pablum (is that redundant?) for fanboys.” Ouch. Opening line to the Shrew’s review GREEN LANTERN CORPS: RECHARGE #2. This is actually from the previous week, but I missed it. Since my expectations for this book were fairly low, I've found myself pleasantly suprised. The Shrew, not so much.
4) From Dave’s Long Box:
Here's a tip: do not shoot cats in front of Batman. He will punch you through a f**king brick wall.
Dave highlights one of my favorite Frank Miller scenes (and there really aren’t many – I’m not a huge fan) - taken from BATMAN:YEAR ONE. Even when he’s half asleep Dave’s more entertaining than most of the rest of us.
3) From the, "I'm a soft touch dept": I bought SCHEMATIC COMICS on-line at the recommendation of Jog. Total cost including shipping: $4.34. That's a darn good deal if the book is half as good asJog says. And yes, if your daughter comes to me selling Girls Scout cookies, I’m guaranteed to order. My wife never buys enough Peanut Butter Patties.
2) From Listen To Us, We’re Right, responding to a spot of Peter David pablum (and as far as I’m concerned, that’s redundant as well):
"A shared universe, like any fictional construct, hinges on suspension of disbelief. When continuity is tossed away, it tatters the construct. Undermines it."
To which Joe Rice responds:
I call total horseshit on that. I have never, ever, ever read a comic book or seen a movie where fantastic things were happening and thought, "Hey, yeah, that could happen," or "Hey, that's not possible!" It's fiction. I don't need to believe it. I need to enjoy it or feel enlightened by it.
Triggering one of the more lively comment section debates I’ve seen in a while.
1) Maybe the biggest news in comics last week was Marvel’s announcement that Stephen King will write a DARK TOWERS comic book. The comic blogosphere seemed to receive this with tempered approval – great, why wouldn’t Stephen King write a comic? – but the reaction from the non-comicbook bloggers and media in general was far more pronounced. This is a big deal and it will be interesting to watch the long-term affect of King’s involvement.