The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin #1 - Hmmm. I think this will make more sense in a few issues but with Ennis I’m never too sure.
Adventures of BioBoy #1 - Please tell me this was a throw in with my ROCKETO purchase. I really root for the independent guys, but I’m afraid this stunk on rye.
All Star Batman & Robin #2 - Crappy dialog and very little else worthwhile. (Cool Batmobile though.) I'd pull the plug on this book but I know, good, better, or bad, everyone will be writing about it come next month and I hate to feel left out.
Breach #9 - That got a little darker than expected. Still worth reading – probably be dynamite in trade paperback.
Captain America #10 - The best House of M tie-in so far. Loved the final panel; here’s hoping they leave Cap’s role in HOM just as this.
Day of Vengeance #6 - Talk about going out with a whimper. That’s it? They lose, the Spectre is basically unscathed and Eclipso is orbiting the sun? This had such promise…And no, I won’t buy a “Shadowpact” regular series.
Desolation Jones #3 - What was that all about? We interrupt our regular scheduled programming to bring you this pornographic interlude.
Ferro City #2 - It’s silly and not particularly original but it’s fun. Black and white really works here.
The Goon #14 - Lead story is short but solid. The filler stories aren’t as interesting. Kind of expecting a little bit more.
Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1 - Very good stuff. This captured the feel of better GL stories better than the first four issues of the other new GREEN LANTERN book put together. (And they aren't bad.) This could be a fun run.
JSA #77 - Kind of a filler issue; moving along various Infinite Crisis plot threads. 5-3 odds on Airwave dieing by the way. He’s got to be on DC’s top 20 expendable characters list.
House of M #6 - Is eight issues a long mini-series or a maxi-series?
Iron Man House of M #3 - Weak.
Fantastic Four House of M #3 - Slightly less weak.
New Avengers #10 - This arc looked like it was headed straight for the iceberg but Bendis pulled it out a bit in this issue. Does it strike anyone else that Bendis is channeling a little Alan Moore (ca. Supreme and MiracleMan) with his handling of the Sentry?
Rex Libris #1 - I know this came out a while ago, but I just finished it! This pretty much abuses the form but you have to admit, on a $/word basis, you really get your money’s worth here.
Rocketo #2 - Excellent. Sorry I missed the first issue but I understand they’re releasing a second printing. Yeah.
Top 10 #2 - I’ll wait until the series wraps for the big write-up, but this hasn’t met my expectations so far.
Uncanny X-men #464 - Is it just me, or does it seem like -- even within the context of HOM -- Claremont is off in his own little world?
Ultimates 2 #8 - Standard misdirection stuff. Sometimes Millar’s lack of subtlety amazes me. Sometimes.
goon 14 was bad-ass through the first story but then fell apart... still thought that first story was worth the cost tho ;)
ps how you been partner?
Posted by: zilla | September 29, 2005 at 10:49 AM
Regarding Day of Vengeance #6
Obviously you did not like it. However, I did.
I never got warm with the characters. A bit too far out to feel for them yet. However I liked the over-the-top concepts here. I also and especially liked BLack Alice and her wish to return home in the end.
However we all know heroes can not always win. These didn't. Not yet. However now there is pretty much everything open for an ongoign series, which is, I think, the intent of this book. And in delivering this point the book did pretty good.
Posted by: aya ayuvara | October 03, 2005 at 02:53 PM
Zilla - I've been great! Busy, but busy is good.
Aya - I liked DOV fine until the last issue or two when I thought it lost it's way a bit. Something of a let down. I agree that this now appears to be more of a pilot series than anything else. I suppose I should just view it in that context.
Posted by: Kurt | October 04, 2005 at 01:23 PM