I haven't really done much linking with this blog, but I thought it was time I recognized some of the other comic blogs in comic blogdom.
Over at Polite Dissent you'll find the CBDR - Comic Book Drug Reference, an ongoing project that attempts to "list all the fictitious drugs, medications, serums and formulas that have played a role in comic book storytelling." It seems like these stick out like a sore thumb when I run across them and yet I can't think of anything off the top of my head. Hyperdrene came to mind, and sure enough it's there.
No sooner do I comment over at the Absorbascon about my complete unfamiliarity with the heroes in Scipio's comeback poll, then I stumble across on old issue of the Outsiders with Halo in it. Probably most surprising to me is that the comic is from 1986. Not only had I never heard of Halo but I wasn't familiar with any of the heroes in this besides Metamorpho (I've seen some cameo's by Geo-Force but that's about it) and yet these characters must be at least 20 years old. Easy to lose track of time -- even comic book time -- when you've been away so long.
I like the way the streaks in her hair match her costume.
League of Melbotis has a slick new banner atop his (er, their?) blog. Just another reminder that I need to get a little bit more creative with the masthead of this one. I've gone a little too grayscale for a blog about comics.
I'm trying to pay more attention to the Comic Weblog Updates. From there I found the very attractive blog BlueCherryDoughnut maintained by someone named, er, Blue Cherries. And no, it's not that kind of site. But Blue Cherries is apparently behind another site called Comic Candy that some of you may already be familiar with - I was not. It's making a run at becoming more of a general comic fan site and like Blue Cherry Doughnut, is a very nice looking site. Most of the posts on this site are by someone named "Jenn" and using my massive powers of deductive reasoning I'm going to guess that Jenn is also Blue Cherries. Blue Cherries says she's looking for contributors of various talents to add to Comic Candy, so if you're of a mind you might drop by; you should probably drop by Comic Candy anyway, if only to check it out. (Update: I'm a dope. Jenn very clearly is who's posting. Sorry, Jenn. Got to cut back on the Hyperdrene.)
I'm sure many of you have been following Jason Richards over at Comic Riot and his plans for opening a comic store. Jason's done a fantastic job of detailing the day-to-day effort of starting a business like this - something every comic book collector has thought about at one time or another. Now from Jason's comment section comes news of another blog whose bloggers are getting ready to open a store - this one in Brooklyn. Not a lot of details about the operation yet, more to come I'm sure.
Finally, over at Snark Free Happy Joy Comic Blog Brian Cronin's got No Prize Games, Cover Fun, a Big Reveal themed play along, and basically a whole lot more happy joy goodness then you're likely to find here.
er, I don't go by "Blue Cherries" Jenn will work just fine. ;)
Posted by: Jenn | June 04, 2005 at 12:18 PM
My bad. Blue Cherries is what the comments are called. I was in a bit too much of a hurry.
Posted by: Kurt | June 04, 2005 at 12:27 PM
Thanks for the link back to the League. We're undergoing some look and feel redesign. And we certainly welcome anyone who wants to pop on by.
Keep up the good work here!
Posted by: The League | June 06, 2005 at 11:20 PM